When is the best time of the year to go skydiving
03 Jun 2019
It is generally assumed that the best time of the year to jump is the warmest, i.e. Summer time. In actual truth all seasons of the year are great times to skydive, and this is why:
Our skydive season this year started off with an unforgettable February. The air was so crisp and the visibility so clear that it was possible to easily see Wales and the South Coast: the landscape from above looked like a magical winter wonderland postcard. Yes, it was cold on the ground, and yes, it was colder up there, but when your adrenaline kicks in and your brain is in sensory overload, you really don’t feel the cold as much as you think! The opening of the season also tends to be a quieter period for our operations, making for shorter waits… provided that the weather plays game of course!
Between March and May the spring season brings about the first green landscapes and flower blossoms. The air is still crisp, and this makes for miles and miles of clear visibility. April and May are especially picturesque, as the bright patchworks of “Fields of Gold” rapeseed flowers – Sting’s inspiration behind his famous song – spread for miles across Salisbury Plain, Old Sarum and the stunningly beautiful Woodford Valley. Here you’ll be able to spot the song writer’s country residence, The Lake House, and estate.
The summer season between June and September brings about warmer temperatures and a feeling of holidays. Bear in mind that whilst this may sound appealing, when wearing your jumpsuits this can become uncomfortable for some, especially if there are longer waiting times, due to weekdays and especially weekend operations days becoming busier.
October and November always tend to be great months to skydive if you’re a fan of the views: the autumn colour range of yellows, oranges and red can truly be appreciated whist floating at thousands of feet mid-air at (photo). With shorter operations day at this time of the year, you can also be sure that your wait times won’t be so long… again, weather permitting!
Between December and January our skydive operations close for the winter season, but our offices are always open with our Customer Service team always at hand to answer any questions and offer you any advice you may need prior to making your booking.